Toward Anarchy with Michael Storm
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Episodes / 2024 / May

Toward Anarchy May 18th

Dr. Dean Lloyd

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Facilitator and Healer Dr. Dean Lloyd asks are you running in circles or taking aim and moving toward a solution? And he has some tools to help you remedy that lost/helpless feeling.

Find out more about Dr. Lloyd and his work on Evolving the Species

Get your copy of Cruising the Epiphany Highway, and follow along as we make our way through it.

Anarchist Audit: Celebrate Tyrants, it's National Police Week

The Kansas Board of Education updated graduation requirements for all public school graduating seniors after 20 years of the same ol' same ol'. And people wonder why I'm prone to saying this backassward state is 20 years behind the times. The new changes actually require graduating students to meet undefined requirements decided by committee, and also a demand that graduates file for College federal student loans or receive a waiver. And what does it all mean? More government power creep.

It's National Police Week, a time to reflect and remember those killed in the line of duty and how they deserve it for enforcing political and social opinions at the barrel of a gun to collect a paycheck. How about we take some time to remember the, at least, 1,000 people cops kill each year in America? The Washington Post has been keeping track of police and the people they kill in this handy dandy little online database.

A throwback article I came across in my daily wanderings around the internet from the Daily Wire reporting on another no brainer study that says Physically Weak Men Are More Likely To Be Socialist. Socialists are lazy cowards, often because they are physically or mentally weak and they lack control over their emotions causing them to Project, often through authority.

Anarchy in Quotations

“The strength and powers of despotism consist wholly in the fear of resisting it.” - Thomas Payne

Anarchy In Meme

Are You In A Bad Relationship... With Government
Are You In A Bad Relationship... With Government
-Not Credited

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